Hi, I am a designer/post production specialist hailing from the peninsula of Howth, County Dublin Ireland, my creative journey has taken me from the bustling streets of New York City to the sun-soaked shores of Australia and Los Angeles. With a unique blend of Irish charm and cosmopolitan flair, I have a very eclectic style

Born and raised in the picturesque fishing village of Howth, My early fascination with art and design was nurtured by the vibrant culture and rich history of Ireland. After completing my design education in Dublin, I set my sights on the global stage, and my next destination was Australia and then to New York.

New York City provided me with the perfect canvas to develop my design skills and attitude toward visual communication. My time in New York exposed me to a diverse range of influences and perspectives. Working in the nightlife business as a bar owner, DJ, producer and promoter, fashion, graphic design and visual communication was on constant display. My work soon garnered attention for its fusion of classic Irish sensibilities with the urban sophistication of New York, where I curated Plant Bar, designed for Plant Music and DFA records.

In pursuit of new opportunities and inspired by the desire to explore different design landscapes, I made the move to Los Angeles, where I now call home. LA has proven to be a playground for my creative spirit, with its unique blend of art, culture, and a relaxed yet trendsetting lifestyle.

My design ethos is characterized by my ability to infuse a sense of timelessness and authenticity into every project I take on. Outside of my design pursuits, which include the curation and care of classic BMW's, mainly original "M" cars from the 80's, collection is at 4 and rising, it's an obsession that turned out to be a good investment. I love hiking, nature, tennis and dogs, often finding inspiration in all. I maintain a deep connection to my Irish roots, frequently visiting family and seeking inspiration from the Celtic traditions that continue to shape my artistic vision.

My journey from Ireland to the concrete jungle of New York and finally to the sun-drenched landscapes of Los Angeles has been one of constant exploration, evolution, and artistic growth. I have a unique perspective and unwavering dedication to production design and development. I am always looking forward to future projects with great people.